Mario Pavlovic
Mario Pavlović has written his first application 22 years ago at the age of fourteen. After finishing his physics studies he polished his programming skills in employment positions that included developing speech synthesis and speech recognition software, server side of SCADA and energy management software in automation industry. This experience exposed him to tasks where he gained various other skills like digital signal and image processing, sound processing, artificial intelligence algorithms, programming on both Windows and Linux/UNIX platforms, network and server programming as well as project management on large projects. For the past 4 years he's been building web projects on the Drupal platform for international clients. Web technologies experience also positioned him as a digital book programmer in charge of interactivity, GPS implementation, animation and read-aloud audio syncing in enhanced e-books.
There are many cases where constraints and limitations make decision making process hard. In this presentation we will deal with a typical problem that many organizations need to address - optimizing funds distribution according to a set of rules including votes from decision makers. To help them overcome this problem Drupal is used to build a solution that handles reviewing proposals (about how to spend funds), recording votes and computing the best fitting solution.
Data is handled using Drupal Views and standard content types while voting is done using fivestar voting system. Discrete optimization algorithm methods are used to calculate funds distribution to satisfy geo-location and categories percentage constraints, overall budget amount constraints and votes. We will also see what the basic concepts of discrete optimization method are, what kind of problems it can solve and how it can be integrated into Drupal.
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